Commercial photography work: hotel interiors

Over the last few weeks I did some work for a new client of a Madison hotel. I…

High tech call center photos

Here’s a few of my favorite shots from a recent commercial photo shoot in Madison for a new…

Architectural and Commercial Office Building Photos

This week I was commissioned to photograph some architectural photos for a company on Madison’s west side. I…

Recent industrial/commercial work

A few months ago I was commissioned for an industrial project that needed many, many bundles of lumber…

Dining Guide 2012 cover photo

Several weeks ago I went to nine Madison area restaurants to shoot some specific dishes for the 2012…

Apparel Photos For Neena

Last week I had a really fun product photo shoot for a new boutique retailer opening in Middleton,…

Photo Work For Indie Coffee

I’ve been really excited about shooting some photos for my friends J.J. and Barrett at Indie Coffee which…

New jewelry photography tearsheet

I was fortunate enough to help work on the February issue of Madison Magazine. I photographed several pieces…

Product shoot: Hot Lickin’ Hot Sauce.

There’s a new hot sauce in town mama! Shot this ad at the studio last night for Hot…


Here’s a product shoot Mandie and I worked on back in 2005. Basically, my assignment was to photograph…