Dining Guide 2012 cover photo

Several weeks ago I went to nine Madison area restaurants to shoot some specific dishes for the 2012…

New cover photo: Dave Cieslewicz

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to photograph a Madison icon for the second time in…

Portraits of David Douglas

I photographed some editorial portraits of WISC television reporter David Douglas for this week’s edition of Isthmus Newspaper.

Isthmus cover shot, Sept. 9 edition

Last week, I shot several editorial photographs for Isthmus | The Daily Page for the cover of Lacey…

New cover featuring a band photo of The Choons

I recently photographed a band called The Choons on State Street in front of The Pub where they…

New portrait in Isthmus newspaper

Had a fun shoot with David Furumoto, the head of the UW-Madison’s University Theatre. The shot and an…

Cardinal Bar photos in the Isthmus this week

I was commissioned to photograph some interiors of the renovated Cardinal Bar as well as some editorial portraits…

New portrait photo

Last week I photographed Heidi for the cover of Isthmus newspaper. We met up at University Hospital in…

Isthmus newspaper cover, May 1, 2009

Last week, I photographed Matt Rothschild, the editor of The Progressive magazine which is celebrating it’s 100th anniversary…

Isthmus Dining Guide 2009 front cover

I enjoy photographing food (and evidently I’m decent at it). It’s a challenge doing something new with it…