Using Notes on the Cloud for Almost Everything

In a past post I explained how I’m using the cloud to consolidate my essential information across multiple platforms (my Mac, iPhone, iPad, laptop, etc.). I’ve continued to do that and have started to use my Notes app (iOS, Mac OS) every day.

Any old notepad/text files I had such as recipes, camera settings, location ideas, shopping lists, equipment serial numbers, etc. are now Notes. I recently added a phone conversations note, which is info that I type down about projects when speaking with clients on the phone. In the note I jot down photo specs, estimates I’ve given, contact info, the scope of the project, and anything else I might need to successfully complete a job.

Screenshot of notes

A few of my Notes

To backup my Notes, I option drag my (34) Notes to my Google Notes cloud account and it seems to work well. That takes exactly one second to do (since you can add multiple notes at a time) and I think it’s a good practice to do from time-to-time.