Race report: Third time’s a charm in Verona


Bib no. 7

Water temp: 77º
Air temp: 73º
Wind: 12mph
Race weight: 133 lb.
Resting/max HR: 52/185
Wave start time: 7:00am


Swim exit photo by Focal Flame Photography.

The Wisconsin Triterium Triathlon was my third tri of the year and it’s the third year in a row I’ve raced it. Last year I placed second in my division and was thrilled about winning an age group award. This year, I knew I was in good form but also knew I had to push hard and not make any mistakes in order to have a successful race.


My Trek Equinox E9.

After six hours of sleep I woke up around 2:30am and knew I wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep. I made a cup of coffee, and started my breakfast consisting of a blueberry muffin, chocolate protein shake, 7 oz. of beet juice, and a handful of cashews. It’s a weird mix of stuff to eat in the middle of the night, but it settled before my wave started.


Finish line celebration. I enjoyed the finish chute to the fullest! Photo by my dad.

A 9:14 swim, 21.1 mph bike split, and 21:23 hilly 5k time was enough to win my age group today and I’m super-glad that I was able to perform up to my potential in a race this year. I struggled with performance a bit at the Lake Mills Tri (albeit with hefty competition) and then trained through my Olympic distance triathlon in the Dells last Sunday so that I’d still have race legs this week.

I was the eighth athlete across the finish line in the elite wave so I figured I had a posted a solid race. The only out and back was during the bike course so I was able to see (and chase) the front of the race. Generally, the races have a loop format bike course and an out and back run course so I normally just see the race leaders on the run course returning to the finish.  I think seeing the front of the pack on the bike not too far ahead of myself gave me some extra fire to push harder.

As always, Race Day Events/Wisconsin Tri Series did a great job organizing the race. I was too out of breath to thank the volunteers at the time, so I’ll just say thank you to them now!


Was stoked to win my division at the sprint race in Verona. Photo by my dad.

Swim 9:14
T1 1:46
Bike 31:14
T2 0:47
Run 21:23
Time: 1:04:22
Overall: 14th
Division: 1st

My 2012 Wisconsin Triterium Triathlon race report.
My 2013 Wisconsin Triterium Triathlon race report.


Jack Blair
July 1, 2014 6:45 pm

Hey Timothy! Just noticed that the post I put on your 2nd AG win was from 2013 LOL. Gratz on winning this year! I see your helmet went on a little easier, shaved a minute of T1 :).

July 1, 2014 6:51 pm

Jack, thanks for checking out my blog, I appreciate it! You’re right though, one little twist in the strap of a helmet can cost that much time.