I picked up an Op/Tech 3/8″ Pro Camera Strap from Adorama to replace my well-worn OEM Canon strap. This strap is a huge improvement over the original one that came with the camera, yet takes up no more space in my camera bag. This camera strap has two elements to it: the 3/8″ nylon strap that attaches to the camera body and the padded-neoprene section which is curved to fit the neck a lot more gracefully than a straight strap. Over a long photo shoot, this strap ends up being much more comfortable and I can strongly recommend it to others.
The only drawback I’ve found is that I’m not crazy about the quick release (Fastex) buckles since if even one accidentally comes undone my SLR is going to end up falling on the floor. The advantage of the quick release buckles is that I take the strap off when my camera is on a tripod to cut down on wind flapping it around and possibly interfering with critical focus. I use my camera strap at all times, except when it’s on a tripod or monopod and the Op/Tech Pro Camera Strap makes my camera a lot more bearable, particularly with an on-camera flash and/or a heavy lens.
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